Monday, June 10, 2019

R3 Technology: Improving Recruitment and Selection (Case Analysis) Sales Management (Joseph F. Hair)


R3 Technology is a tech company which provides services for remote recovery and repair of computer servers to companies with wholesale and retail websites. It has been an outstanding service provider with advantageous in cost, remote-access, troubleshooting and repair. The company has been operating on the vision of Josh that the employees do not have to have prior knowledge since the company provides on the job training. Due to lack of proper recruitment and selection process, the company is losing its potential customers and facing a high rate of employees turnover. The company growth is up but it is yet to improve its management and human resource processes. The company is in greater need to improve and develop the system of recruitment and selection process. It has to look for candidates from other sources rather than the recommendation from friends and families. It has to hire skilled manpower and retain its valuable employees.


1. What changes does R3 Technology need to make in its recruiting process?

R3 Technology has a higher rate of turnover in its salesperson and its customer are not able to talk to the same salesperson for the second time. It has not been following a proper way and technique in recruiting its salespeople. It has stacked to the traditional way to recruit from word-of-mouth, friends and family recommendation, fresh graduates from the university, and very personal interviews. There was no provision for formal training to the recruited salespeople. The traditional way was though useful when the company was smaller, it now has to come up with a scientific way of recruiting its employees.

R3 Technology should improve its recruiting and selection process. It has to follow the recruitment steps

·         Conducting a job analysis

·         Preparing a job description

·         Identifying sales job qualification

·         Attracting pool of applicants

·         Selecting best recruits

The company has been lacking to recruit the best candidates and make them perform well. The tendency of high turnover is because the employee is not satisfied with the job assigned to them since there is no proper roles and job described to them. They should hire the best fit for the job and also they have to look for the candidates from other sources like competitors, non-competing company, and advertise on the internet, employment agencies and professional recruiters. The company should try to retain its valuable employee providing different compensation option. They should separate their mode of on-the-job training concept only to develop skilled employees, they should not immediately use them to work directly with the customers till they prove to perform.

2. What changes does the company need to make in its selection process?

Currently, the company is not implementing any of the proper ways of selecting candidates. They have been randomly selecting employees in an informal way. They have been recruiting in a hurry to fulfill the vacant position.  Interviews have been very personal and social since the candidates come from the recommendation of friends and family.

The selection process helps to choose candidates that best fit with the organization. The company should follow the recruiting process like

·         Initial Screening

·         Reference checking

·         In-depth interviews

·         Employment testing

·         Follow-up interviewing

·         Making the selection

Following the recruiting process helps the organization to eliminate the unqualified candidates through screening like conducting in person or over the telephone. The company needs to assign a selection committee including department head like a sales manager. During hiring, the committee should avoid common errors like the halo effect (getting inspired by candidates one factor), and the cloning effect (hiring a candidate on the basis of own imagination but not matching the job skills required). They should take time to select candidates and cross-check the references provided by the candidates. The interview should be in-depth using various forms of interviews like structured, unstructured, and semi-structured interviews which helps to determine if the person is the right choice for the job. Tests like intelligence, knowledge, sale aptitude, vocational interest, attitude and lifestyle, and personality will help to determine the knowledge and intentions towards getting a job can be carried out. Though the testing process is costly later on it will help in the profitability of the company.

3. How can the initial orientation and training process be modified to be more efficient and effective?

There has been no formal orientation and training process in the R3 Technology, Josh talking the company establishment, and assigning senior members to the new recruit for on-the-job-training. The initial orientation process could include introducing the new employee to the working environment, make them clear about the duties and the responsibilities, and the company's policies and procedures should be introduced. The job orientation helps new employees to know the ability of the organization, help in increasing overall performance and productivity, and establish a good relationship between employees.

The current practice of assigning senior members as a mentor to the new employees is the best method to train but there should be proper training materials designed. The training material should include contents that are related to the training objectives, learning by doing, feedback session during training, and creating small chunks of training materials in a logical manner. The trainer should storytelling session on a daily basis so that the trainee can have a better understanding of yesterdays performance and what he/she is going to learn today. Working together with experienced members on a daily basis and getting the exact knowledge from the well-developed training materials and tools will help to convert the new employee best fit for the job.


R3 Technology has forgotten that it has performed well as a small company but with increasing growth, it has to improve its standardization. It has been losing its customers and employees due to poor management technics. Its traditional thinking of recruiting has been costly for the company since it is unable to recruit qualified employees. The turnover of employees has contributed to the loss of the customers since the customer is not able to talk to the single salespeople for the second time. It has to focus on improving the training provided to new employees to perform efficiently and effectively.


Unknown. (2017, February 16). 5 Smart Ways To Optimize Your Recruitment And Selection Process. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from

Half Robert. (2017, April 25). How to Improve Your Selection Process for Hiring. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from

Martin. (2016, November 27). 10 Tips for an Effective New Employee Job Orientation. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from

Dalto Jeffrey. (2014, March 19). How to Create Effective Training Program: 8 Steps to Success. Retrieved May 14, 2019, from